Thursday, January 2, 2020

Evaluation Of Air Pollution Of Bangkok, Thailand - 1508 Words

Evaluation of Air Pollution of Exhaust Emission and Traffic Measurements in Bangkok, Thailand Introduction Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and an estimated population of 7.3 million full-time inhabitants and over 10 million day-time inhabitants (UN, BMA 2001). The World Bank mentions the main causes of air pollution in Bangkok that from several factors as transport, industry, power-generation and refuse burning but most air pollutants being discharged by the transport sector. Such pollution originates mainly from incomplete fossil fuel combustion. However, Observations from around the world especially the developing countries are likely to increase in the number of vehicles powered by fossil fuel-driven vehicles and traffic congestion. Bangkok’s transport system and causing pollution problems are unique, such as Bangkok has 4,075 kilometers of roads with a total area of 58.45 km2, but even then, an increasing number of vehicles in Bangkok has not been matched by a proportional increase in road construction. Thus leading to traffic congestion, added more pollution caused by transport delay. The Pollution control Department and Thai Environment Institute (Boontheerawaraet al., 1994) reported that currently issue of air pollution became a major environmental problem of Thailand. Emissions of particulate from traffic, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxides and ozone have been increasing gradually over the past few decades. So, In Thailand is not yet enforcedShow MoreRelatedOld Chang Kee6981 Words   |  28 PagesOld Chang Kee expands to Thailand market [Type the document subtitle] Executive Summary This feasibility study was commissioned to assess Old Chang Kee’s proposed marketing strategy to enter the Thailand market. This report draws attention to the analysis of the external factors of the new market, proposed entry strategy and internalization of marketing mix. The marketing objectives set for this study will remark on an increase of 15% of total international sales of Old Chang Kee’s products. MasterRead MoreBread Talk Business Strategy5796 Words   |  24 Pagesthru kitchen concept which enables their chefs a platform to showcase the skills and capabilities. This also allows interaction between customers and employees. 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